Friday, January 24, 2020
Hosea Essay -- essays research papers
Hosea THEME: There is nothing we can do which will separate us from God's compassion and love I certify that I am the author of this work and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged. PART I      The book Hosea was written between 790 and 710 BC by the prophet Hosea. The story is about the relationship between Hosea and his wife, Gomer, and how their lives parallel that of the northern kingdom of Israel. There are several themes in the book of Hosea and I will discuss what I think to be the main one, â€Å" there is absolutely nothing we can do which will separate us from God's love and compassion†. While the northern kingdom prospers monetarily its morals and spiritual condition is sacrificed. The peoples of the northern kingdom have fallen from God's grace due to their worship of God's other than the one true God. The following text describes my opinions, others opinions, and my observations of the book Hosea.      The book begins with God telling Hosea to marry an adulterous wife . He does this to show the relationship of the Israelites adultery to God by worshipping idols and other God's. Hosea marries Gomer and they have a son. God informs Hosea to name the child Jezreel because he is going to punish the house of Jehu for the massacre at Jezreel. Later they have a daughter and God tells Hosea to name her Lo-Ruhama which means, not loved, in Hebrew. Once again Hosea and Gomer have a son that God tells Hosea to name Lo-Ammi which means, not my people, in Hebrew. Chapter one ends with God describing how the two nations, Israel and Judah, be reunited under one appointed leader and one God.      Chapter two describes God's feelings towards the nation Israel. He does this by comparing the nation Israel to Hosea's household. He describes how Hosea's wife has been unfaithful to her husband as the nation Israel has been unfaithful to God. He further goes on to describe his plans for the nation Israel and how he is going to let Israel search for Him, through other God's, and the obstacles he'll place in their path to hinder their search. God also declares he will punish the Israelites for forgetting about their one true God. God ends the narration by telling of the restoration of Israel to his favor and the many benefits that will fall upon the nation Israel... ...s is the first chapter of the Bible (Old and New Testament) that I've studied this thoroughly and I can also say this will not be the last. I came into this course thinking it was just a requirement for me to receive my degree and I'll leave it with the knowledge that I've received more than just three credit hours. References      Rainbow Studies, Inc. (1992). The new international version rainbow study bible (4th ed.). El Reno, Oklahoma: Author      Scott, Jack B. (1971). The book of hosea: a study manual (2nd Printing). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.      Tullock, John H. (1981).The old testament story (3rd ed.). Englewoods Cliff, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, inc.      Southwestern Journal of Theology (Fall 1975). Studies in hosea (No. 1). Fort Worth, Texas: Faculty of the School of Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.      Wood, Fred M. (1975). Hosea: prophet of reconciliation. Nashville, Tennessee: Convention Press.      Random House Webster's College Dictionary (1991). New York, Random House Inc.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
X-IT and Kidde Case Study
They depicted an interest in purchasing X-IT; more particularly just intellectual property of their ladder design and X-IT was not closed to the idea. A fear that most companies hold when collaborating with another is of protecting their proprietary technologies. X-IT had this fear as well and applied for a patent. Unfortunately, due to a lack of money and in turn a lack of knowledge power, they were unable to protect their innovation from Kidded. Kidded, with the help of an unethical attorney, worked around X-IT's still processing patent to â€Å"legally' create a similar ladder.Nonetheless, X-IT does hold a fair amount of ammunition against Kidded. Copyright infringement and the breach of confidentiality agreements are the strongest legal claims that X-IT has. Within the confidentiality agreement between these two companies, it clearly states that Kidded would only use the pending patent information to analyze the potential transaction (purchasing X-IT). Additionally, it was agree d upon that the patent information would be kept limited to individuals involved in the transaction and that if X-IT requested the information back, it would have to be returned.Although Kidded had agreed to use X-IT's patent information only to evaluate, they used it for another purpose altogether. With the aid of an outside attorney, they utilized the information to make a change in the ladder's design that could possibly provide Just enough Justification to prove that they were not infringing. In fact, if X-IT had the funds they most likely would have won a case against Kidded. The copyright infringement by Kidded was impossible to miss and, if taken to court, would weigh heavily.At the Hardware Show, Kidded not only displayed but also presented their version of X-IT's ladder to numerous retail representatives (eye-witnesses). The convicting evidence here is that Kidded failed to change the retail box design which evicted Debonairness nephew and sister-in-law. Possibly, this was a way to trick consumers into thinking that it was the same product X-IT was selling. 2. Even though suing Kidded seems like the ethical step to take, there are pros and cons to such action. A pro of suing Kidded is that X-IT has a sufficient amount of documentation and strong testimonies which would likely lead to a win.They could request for eyewitnesses from the Hardware Show to appear in court and testify. This would set a strong basis for and argument that Kidded committed multiple intellectual property infringements against them. In addition, presenting the confidentiality agreement with signatures would lock Kiddies into involvement. Coupling all documentation, witnesses, and claims together would provide enough credence for X-IT to walk away as winners in this case. When their intellectual property was stolen, X-IT was in an unhealthy financial situation.If they had went forth with a case, the influx of funds for the damages caused by Kidded to X-IT could have kept the compa ny better afloat and further away from bankruptcy. Ultimately, if the case opened, X-IT may have the opportunity to win and grow their business further. A win would mean that they do not have to sacrifice the innovation they created. However, the major con is what kept X-IT from suing Kidded originally. Opening a case is very costly and would require for X-IT to pay ridiculous legal fees. According to the article, Kidded had over $2 billion in revenues.They could very easily hire more qualified representatives and pay all other fees. X-IT is cash strapped and could be overrun if they can't acquire the necessary funding. In addition, Kidded would most likely continue its regular business operations as they dealt with their legal matter on the side. On the other hand, X-IT would have to halt production and focus their funds on resolving the case first. In the end, if Kidded wins the case, X-IT would almost definitely go into bankruptcy and lose any sight of their innovation. 3.If I we re Aledo Debarring I would do anything I could to save my business and my innovation. As a first step, I would contact a decent attorney to acquire an analysis of my case. Under full confidentiality, I would share documentation to see if there is any precedence for the problem I am facing. If the attorney seems confident that X-IT has a good chance of winning, I would go forth with my claims. I would take an unorthodox route and ask for help from the general public. On a whole, Americans are not big fans of large corporations.I would go public with X-IT's story on various news channels and asks for donations. X-IT represents the â€Å"American dream†of a small successful business and I think people would flock to support it. The fact that X- IT is in danger of being bulldozed by a larger company and they can't fight back would rally the general American public support. In addition to public support, I would organize a meeting with the investors and board of directors at X-IT . Side's sales would take a blow if the public supported X-IT but the true funds to fight this battle would come from this meeting.I would present all the information and even provide them with the attorneys thoughts to garner support and reach an agreement on the course of action to be taken. A case could be made that the lawsuit, although risky, offered an opportunity of winning. X-IT would be able to punish Kidded for intellectual property infringement. The investors might be willing to support it because of the company's potential. Much like Amazon's stock holders they may iced to invest for long-term future gains. If I were to lose the case but somehow avoid bankruptcy, I would simply move ahead with my business.I would learn from my experience and walk on with a better understanding on how to protect my company's innovations. I would make the investment and hire a person or small team to monitor dealings with other companies. They would be qualified and would have a better und erstanding of when, what, and how to disclose company information. 4. There is not a doubt that both Kidded and Slavonic acted unethically in this matter. Kidded was shady from the start with their actions. From the time they showed interest within X-IT they had bad intentions.At a point in the article, it even stated that Harper, although still desiring to purchase the company, would be Just as happy if Kidded acquired X-IT's ladder innovation in itself. They had recognized it as a dominant design and wanted it any way possible. After having their offer denied, they continued to pursue the design. They even had a Chinese factory recreate the product to the best of their ability, with intentions to override X-IT. Slavonic, much like Kidded had given his word to be a fair middleman and keep all information confidential, which he absolutely did not.When he was approached about the situation after-hand by Vive at a meeting he denied being at fault and claimed that X-IT knew all along t hat he was supporting Kidded. This is obvious proof that Slavonic was a corrupt attorney who was likely paid out by Kidded. This entire case is an unfortunate one. X-IT was a very innovative business with a bright future but couldn't hold their ground due to a lack of money. Kidded was experienced and took advantage of the fact that X-IT did not have a strong team or sense of business practices yet.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Legislative Branch Of Government - 1585 Words
Legislative Control of Bureaucracy It is fair to say that the Constitution makes the legislative branch of government, also interchangeably referred to as Congress, the source or author of federal administration (Willoughby 1927; 1934). Establishing, empowering, structuring, staffing, and funding federal agencies all rest on the legislative branch. Article I, section 9, clause 7 is clear in that â€Å"No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.†Article II, section 2, clause 2 demands that all federal positions not distinctively established by the Constitution â€Å"shall be established by the Law.†The objective of these provisions were composed to restrain presidential power. The president cannot constitutionally take any money from the Treasury in the absence of an appropriations statue; the president cannot create or legally empower a single administrative office without delegated legislative authority. The legislative branch of government has su bstantially enhanced it role in federal administration, relying solely on its constitutional powers. In theory, it’s the responsibility of Congress to oversee and maintain adequate control to assure that agency regulations and standards are consistent with legislative content. There’s several ways Congress achieve this task. Congress exercise more control by being more specific regarding what it expects from the agency. Congress also, put forth some form of veto or modification ofShow MoreRelatedThe Legislative Branch Is The Part Of The Government1496 Words  | 6 Pages The Legislative Branch is the part of the government that writes and votes on laws, but can also be referred to as legislation. It has other powers such as declaring war, confirming Presidential appointments, and checking for power. The government has three branches: legislative, executive and judicial branch. 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(who votes for them/) senatesRead MoreWho Really Has All the Power: The Executive, Legislative, or Judicial Branch of Government?926 Words  | 4 Pages our founding fathers objectives were to establish a federal government, and to outline an equal distribution of powers within our government.(Michelsen, 2010). It was implemented by creating three branches that had to coincide with each other to function. Each branch has its own powers, duties, and responsibilities that influence how the government works. Executive Branch, which pertains to executing the laws. The legislative, which creates the laws and the judicial which interprets the lawsRead MoreThe Constitution Essay1030 Words  | 5 Pagespreamble introduces the constitution. It states that the government comes from the people. 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