Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - 1466 Words
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome â€Å"If women didn’t drink anymore during pregnancy, there would never be another baby born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Effect†(McCuen 33). This is a very powerful statement. It is also a very simple cure for an alarmingly high birth defect that all women have the power to stop. â€Å"Every year more than 40,000 American children are born with defects because their mother drank alcohol while pregnant â€Å" (McCuen 34). That is 1 to 3 per 1,000 live births (McCuen 31). Many of these cases go undiagnosed â€Å"It is also the number one cause of mental retardation in the United States, and one of the three leading causes of birth defects.†(McCuen 33-34). â€Å"Alcohol produces more significant†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Alcohol, like other teratogenic agents, is associated with a spectrum of malformations related to dose and timing. The multiplicity of effects suggests that alcohol can alter development throughout gestatio n†(Rosett and Weiner 65). Therefore because it is not known when in fetal development when alcohol causes neurological and physical defects no amount of alcohol is safe. The best way to prevent FAS is by abstaining from the use of alcohol products. This sounds so simple, but for many women it is not. Usually infants born to mothers who are alcoholics have little to no prenatal care. With no prenatal care a mother who consumes alcohol is not warned or told of the dangers of drinking. A lot of these children end up in foster care being shuttled back and forth between families, due to the behavioral and physical problems FAS and FAE does not discriminate against race, creed or color. Studies have shown, â€Å"In the United states one in 500 children is diagnosed with FAS and one in 300 children is diagnosed with FAE. On the Indian reservation the numbers are much more staggering. They are one in 99 FAS children born†(McCuen 59) â€Å"FAS is 30 times more commonly reported in Native Americans than it is in whites, and six timesShow MoreRelatedFetal Alcohol Syndrome942 Words  | 4 Pages Fetal Alcohol Syndrome According to Seaver, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is birth defects causing learning, and behavioral problems in individuals whose mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy. This disorder is very serious, yet it is recognized as one of the most preventable. This causes major issues, when something so serious could be prevented but is not. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a problem because it leaves a permanent effect on the unborn child, but some solutions could be educating women andRead MoreThe Disorder Of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome1018 Words  | 5 Pagesthe the disorder Fetal Alcohol Syndrome .This paper will aim to discuss what the disorder is ,it s history how it is diagnosed and the treatment and prevention of this disorder. Taking a sip a int hip Introduction :Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing(Bible-Judges 13:7).It has been known throughout history that the effects of alcohol use in pregnancyRead MoreEssay on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome1390 Words  | 6 Pageslead to many severe abnormalities in the growing fetus. More specifically, a disorder that will be explored in this essay is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS); caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Since the alcohol is consumed in such a developing stage of the fetus, it can potentially cause many different complications in the unborn child. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome could easily be prevented with more awareness to the issue and its defining characteristics, how it affects the fetus during growthRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1707 Words  | 7 Pagesof prenatal alcohol exposure (Lupton, 2003). This number will only continue to grow if the risk of drinking alcohol while pregnant i s not brought to the people’s attention. When the mother takes a drink of alcohol, so does the fetus, which will cause physical and behavioral problems after birth. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is completely preventable and irreversible. FAS awareness and prevention is important; expectant mothers need to know the background information about the syndrome, some commonRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1699 Words  | 7 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a condition affecting children born to women who drink heavily during pregnancy. There are three criteria used to describe the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure and to make a diagnosis of FAS. The first of these is a pattern of facial anomalies, these features include: #61558; Small eye openings #61558; Flat cheekbones #61558; Flattened groove between nose and upper lip #61558; Thin upper lip These characteristicsRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1096 Words  | 5 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a mental and physical birth defect. It occurs when a pregnant women consumes high levels of alcohol during her pregnancy. The effects of FAS can be traumatic in some cases, and in others children were slightly affected by exposure to alcohol. FAS has a wide range of effects on the fetus and infant, retarded growth, under developed facial features, slow cognitive development, and many more. The evidence of cases is overwhelming, yet in some societies it is still anRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1522 Words  | 7 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a disorder that can happen to children whose mothers drank sufficient amounts of alcohol sometime throughout their pregnancy. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a condition classified in a group called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, and is the most known and severe of the group. FAS, depending on the factors such as location, population and race studied is considered one of the leading known causes of mental retardation and birth defects, with 0.2 – 1.5 out of every 1Read MoreEssay on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome2703 Words  | 11 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a pattern of mental, physical, and behavioral defects that may develop in the unborn child when its mother drinks during pregnancy. These defects occur primarily during the first trimester when the teratogenic effects of the alcohol have the greatest effect on the developing organs. The symptoms associated with FAS have been observed for many centuries, but it was not until 1968 that Lemoine and his associates formally described theseRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1100 Words  | 5 Pagesyou want your child to have FAS? Read on and I believe you will come to the same conclusion as I have about FAS. FAS doesn’t sound so bad, but in reality it is. FAS means Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. FAS is a combination of physical and mental defects first evident at a baby’s birth. FAS is a direct result of a woman drinking alcohol during pregnancy. These defects continue through out the child’s life. One in five hundred children are born with FAS. Your baby is at risk no matter how much liquor youRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1727 Words  | 7 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is an increasing problem in our world today. At least 5,000 infants are born each year with FAS, or about one out of every 750 live births, which is an alarming number. In the United States there has been a significant increase in the rate of infants born with FAS form 1 per 10,000 births in 1979 to 6.7 per 10,000 in 1993 (Chang, Wilikins-Haug, Berman, Goetz 1). In a report, Substance Abuse and the American Woman, sent out by the Center on Addiction
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Study of Profitability of a Logistics Company - 3652 Words
STUDY OF PROFITABILITY OF A LOGISTICS COMPANY USING ECONOMETRICS TOOLS Executive summary This study examines the impact of three factors, namely Sales, Fixed assets and Interest paid on the profitability of a logistics company. Econometric tool of multiple linear regression model was used for analyzing the impact of above factors on profitability of a major logistics company GATI Limited. Based on the financial data of last 10 years 2000-2009 the regression analysis has revealed that profitability of GATI ltd. is significantly affected positively by increase in fixed assets and adversely affected by increase in interest paid. The impact of increase in sales volume on profitability is positive but miniscule. In addition seasonality†¦show more content†¦Moreover, projects such as the Golden Quadrilateral program, National Maritime program, and introduction of freight corridors in rails shall strengthen the growth. The current economic scenario, which is largely impacted by the global slowdown however is expected to recover soon with the fall in logistics costs due to the huge developments in infrastructure. With the rise in disposable incomes, changing consumer preferences, fast emerging retail segments, infrastructure investment, the Indian logistics sector and the 3PL markets are expected to witness explosive growth in the successive years. Constraints and Challenges The biggest challenge faced by the organised logistics companies in India today, is competition from the unorganized operators. This is coupled with increasing environmental pressures, government regulations and subsidies for infrastructure development. Adding to all these, is the lack of â€Å"Industry status†to the logistics sector. Business Risks and Mitigation The Year 2008-2009 for India was quite different from the expectations of industry stalwarts and economy speculators. Increase in input materials costs, wages, interest and transportation forced companies to cut costs. Logistic service providers therefore are required to be cost effective and more efficient to compete in market place. High logistics and warehousing costs in India shows that there areShow MoreRelated1 Introduction 1.1 Background and Significance In the present day, logistics cost is considered to1400 Words  | 6 Pages1 Introduction 1.1 Background and Significance In the present day, logistics cost is considered to be an important factor showing potential and competency level in both organizational and national stage. Several of entrepreneurs face a high production cost problem which is a result from higher prices of oil and raw materials. In the meantime, exporters also encountered with the problem of Thai Baht currency appreciating trend. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Artist Deconstruction A Starry Night Free Essays
Artist Deconstruction: A Starry Night If there is one thing in this life that cannot be escaped, it is art. Art takes over our visual and audio senses as well as sensation of touch and emotion. Not only does art take over our senses, but it also does something wonderful to our mental status. We will write a custom essay sample on Artist Deconstruction: A Starry Night or any similar topic only for you Order Now It raises awareness and stimulates our brains. Some art can touch us on a very deep emotional level. I have chosen to write about a portrait painted by Vaccine van Gogh called Starry Night, which was painted in June 1889. This painting depicts the view outside van Sago’s sanitarium room window at night. How does van Gogh use visual imagery to depict the four visual cures in this painting? How does the physiology of the eye help see the four visual cures? The visual cortex has cells that respond to a spot of light while others noted the edges of objects, certain angles of lines, specific movements, colors or the space between lines (Lester 2011). The use of visual imagery is used in the form of color, form, depth and movement. The first thing that I noticed in this painting was the overwhelming night sky, which takes up most of the background. The color that is most prominent in the painting is blue. This has a connection with the sea and sky which each relate to movement of the cool dark colors. Eleven fiery yellow stars that look like huge fireballs illuminate this whole piece and contrast with the cool blue, fluid night sky which shows variety of shades of blue and grey. There is also the crescent moon at the top right hand corner that radiates an almost orange, brighter light from the rest of the stars. The view of the night sky and village is partially blocked by this huge cypress tree. The tree has a black and green coloring which stands out. The houses are tiny and painted in the bottom right corner of the painting and blend in well with the forest and mountains. The architecture of the village is simple and no light illuminates the village, giving the impression that everyone there is probably asleep. The use of form is evident in this painting by the use of the use dot to dot effect and with the use of lines. The dot to dot effect leads your eyes in a particular way oiling over the hills. The spacing between the stars and the curving shapes create a dot to dot effect. The use of lines that are swirling, appear to be swishing across the background in a wax. Y motion and seem to be merging at the center to form this spiral like formation. All of the swirling lines in the sky direct your eyes around the painting. Both forms have a lot to do with movement within the painting as I believe the forms, shapes and spirals in the painting are meant to be a meaner of expression and used to convey emotion. This is an abstract painting, which creates depth by using texture cues by conveying depth to the edges and texture to boundaries. I perceive this painting of having an illusion of constantly being in motion. The uses of horizontal lines is used to create depth in the night sky, while the vertical lines on the cypress tree draw the viewer to the object as it takes over the countryside. The curving lines of the cypress tree mirror the sky, which also create depth in the painting. Since humans see in three dimensions the use of depth in this painting is brought out by the size, color, ND lighting and through perspective. The painting also has movement as it shows motion and has what I perceive to be a sense of flowing movement. The pattern of the waves with in the cypress tree, the layers of lines within the stars and the spiral in the sky all amplify the sense of motion. The lines in the painting show movement in the sky as well as distance. The lines that make up the building get thinner as your eye looks further and deeper into the painting. The use of texture within the painting is visually meant to provide a ensue of motion along with the curvy forms in the sky giving the illusion of the wind blowing. My interpretation of Starry Night is Just one of the many and it remains very much an elusive work to art critics and students alike. Because nobody really knows Van Sago’s intention of painting this piece, everybody seems to be using different codes to decipher what Van Gogh was trying to bring across. For me, the painting communicated this love he had for Gods beautiful creations, and yet, there is this sense of loneliness as if no one really saw the world as he saw it. How to cite Artist Deconstruction: A Starry Night, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Legal Advice Penalties and Punishment Under Australian Law
Question: Discuss about the Legal Advice Penalties and Punishment Under Australian Law. Answer: Introduction There are five friends Jane, Grayson, Teri, Stacy and Kim who lives in Northern NSW in Australia. They usually used to meet in the weekend. They met on mid December of 2016 on Sunday with a Christmas mood of celebration in a hotel for a cocktail party with gourmet wood fired pizzas and hard drink. They have also done shopping for their relatives. Jane bought expensive knives for her parents for kitchen. Grayson bought toy car for his nephew. Stacy ought ultrasonic for whistle for her boy friend. Teri bought RESIST flag or her cousin and Kim bought normal home products. Among them Grayson was anti Christmas because he used to think that Christmas is for showing capitalism. So he wore a black t-shirt which was against Christmas. As everyone was in a festive mood even the bartender in the hotel so they were over drunk which raised problem for them. Issues rose because of their wrong behaviour in a public place at front of the police and their misbehaviour was the reason of the penalty t aken from them. In this case all the five rinds are liable for their penalties and their actions which they performed. The interpretation and liability is discussed in the ILAC method below. Issues The first issue in the case is excessive drinking in the festive season. The bartender was also in a festive mood so he gave the hard drink with less amount of water and it was their fault that they did not drunk in a limit. The second mistake was done by Grayson who wore a black t-shirt which gave wrong anti Christmas message which was against Christian capitalism. Then their mistake was walking in a wrong manner in the foot path and talking rubbish after they were drunk which breaks the peaceful equilibrium and may disturb the people in public place. After giving the warning from the constable they ignored and started behaving in an abusive manner with the constables. They also started criticizing the law which was the biggest crime. Five of them started behaving in a wrong way with the two of the constable after warning. Teri came in debate with the police constable that it is their right to speak and walk as per their own wish but walking in a drunken condition and behaving in a wrong way in street is against Summary Offences Act 1988[1]. In the street Teri started shouting on infringement on her rights by taking the resist flag which she bought for her cousin. By following her all her friends supported Teri by behaving in same manner which a wrong. Teri also drops per her pant and shows her buttocks and also pulled her trouser up. All these were the offensive and abusive behaviour which she did with the police and that as against the law[2]. Stacy also started blowing the dog whistle in the street which was disturbing the entire environed in the street and the home or schools near the area. Then Grayson took the remote control toy car and steer the car towards the constable which was another abusive behaviour with police. After all these offense of doing abusive behaviour with the police they constables ordered Jane and Kim to show the things inside their bag. When knives were found in the bag of Jane they thought that she has an intention of doing any offense and they asked for the penalty of $50 from Jane or to visit the court. Because of all the past records and the abusive behaviour of five friends with the police is the reason that the constables lost their faith from Jane, Grayson, Teri, Stacy and Kim and as they were breaking the equilibrium of public by breaking their peace and disturbing the equilibrium of the public place. Issues rose because after all such behaviours penalty was asked by the five friends under Australian law and they were given punishment under different sections so that they do not commit such actions further in their life. Laws For all the instances faced there are some penalties and punishment for breaching Summary Offences Act 1988. If the five friends ask for legal idea then the legal advisor will say that, according to section 25 of NSW Legislation of Summary Offences Act 1988 if any person behaves in an abusive and offensive manner in a public place then they can b arrested or asked for penalty which was given to the five friends Jane, Grayson, Teri, Stacy and Kim. Each of them got punishment for their actions of breaching the rules[3]. As Grayson took out the remote control toy car from his bag and harassed the police by chasing them with the care, so Grayson was charged penalty under section 11 H (1)(a)[4]. According to section 11H use of intimidator vehicles are not allowed which has been used by Grayson o abuse the police which is an offence. According to section 11H (1) it is not allowed a person to use motorised vehicle in public place and according to section 11H (1) (a) if that manner is used t o harass someone then they will be asked penalty legally and if they are not capable of giving that then they will be imprisoned which can occur in the case of Grayson[5]. There are 6 penalty units of section 11H under which compensation or penalty can be asked from him for the wrong behaviour which he did with the constables. Grayson was charged also charged under section 4A of Summary Offences Act 1988 and he should also be charged under section 4[6]. According to section 4 of Summary Offences Act 1988, if any offensive conduct is done in any public place then whether 3 months imprisonment or penalty can be asked. Offensive conduct is done by Grayson by harassing the police with the remote car toy. Penalty was also asked from Grayson under section 4A of Summary Offences Act 1988[7]. As Grayson wore a t-shirt in which it was written that Keep Calm and Fuck Christmas, which is against Christianity and using offensive language in public place so penalty is needed to be given by him so under section 4A (1) penalty should be asked from him. Under Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999, the person can be imprisoned or punished under law[8]. Stacey was asked penalty under section 28J of Summary Offences Act 1988 for the offence of hunting on private land. As she blown the dog whistle and a small fluffy Maltes came out from a house, it indicated that she was hunting in a private pace which was a crime ad offence[9]. In this case under Local Land Service Act 2013, the land owner or the owner of the dog can sue Stacey because of hunting their private dog. There are 10 penalty units and 12 months imprisonment for that offence[10]. Jane is charged under section 11C of Summary Offences Act 1988 which falls under subdivision 1 of Knives and offensive implements. According to section 11C a person should not keep knife or any dangerous weapon with him or her while travelling in public place[11]. As Jane had knives with her so she was asked penalty under section 11C which has 20 penalty units and there are 2 years punishment if the penalty is not provided. So legally it can be said that someone should give proof that why the person is carrying knife with him or hear. It is important that valid reasons needed to be shown. As the previous records of Jane and his friend was not good, so the constable asked penalty from her. Teri was charged under section 5 of Summary Offences Act 1988 because of the obscene exposure done by her. Firstly she incensed an infringement wither rights by showing the flag which she purchased for her cousin[12]. Secondly she opened her pants and shown her buttocks and pulled up her trousers which are obscene exposure in public place. This is a crime, so under section 5 whether penalty is asked by her as there are 10 penalty units or six months imprisonment can be given to her for her misbehaviour or obscene behaviour. All the five friends were charged under section 9 of SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 because disorder and intoxicated direction was behaved by them while loitering in the public place. As they were moving in an intoxicated condition after drinking so maximum there are 15 penalty units which can claim penalty or compensation from them[13]. It is not allowed to loiter in public place with intoxicated way so as they did that so it is punishable offence for them. They were also punished under section 23 of SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 which is authorized under authorized public assemblies. These were implied on them because they broke the public rules made by Australian government[14]. Exclusion observed in case of Jane because as she has given penalty of $50 to the constable under section 29 of penalty notice, so she can prove that section 11C is unlawfully forced charge given on her[15]. In such condition she can counter appear to court against the constable for giving charge after taking financial penalty on the moment and on the prove can show the receipt of the penalty change given by her. So in this case the charge can be dismissed by the court. Another charge of section 6 SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 because hey were blocking the traffic in the public place. According to section 6 it is an offense to obstruct traffic in public place which can disturb people. There are 4 penalty units of this act. All these are the sections which are implemented on them which have to be faced by five of the friends. Application In all the cases the parties themselves are responsible for their deeds. The liability comes on them except Jane. Jane can counter appeal in court because she has only performed one wrong ct that is loitering in an intoxicated condition in the street. He has bought the knives for the kitchen in her house for her and her parents need. A person can buy the important things which she needs and which is useful to the person. Still after charging penalty she gave $50 to the constables so it is wrong to charge under section 11C of SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988. She may fight against this unlawful charge by appealing to court and objected positive decision can be taken on her side. The offences created by the five friends are hard to be resolved because they had misbehaved with the constables in the public place and the laws and regulations are against them. They have also breached the statuary law of Summary Offence Act which cannot be forbidden[16]. Australian government has got several princ iples which are strict and as the citizens of the country they should have ideas that what is wrong and what is right. If the ask for any legal suggestions for help, so they cannot be rescued and in that case they have to whether give the penalty under the penalty units for doing offences in intoxicated condition or they have to accept imprisonment or punishment given by the Australian court under NSW act. It is necessary all the acts are needed to be performed safely which the five friends are needed to be followed by the people. Conclusion In this assignment details about Summary Offences Act 1988 is given and the case with the ILAC method is described. The offences of five friends has been described who did minor mistakes but penalty charged had to be given by them. It is described that if publically offences are done and a person misbehaves with police constables then they has to give the penalty for that. So it is necessary that proper rules of government should be followed and any offensive behaviour or obscene actions should not be taken publically which can ask penalty and severe punishment may be the result as described in the cases of the assignment. Bibliography Bonney, R. (1989).NSW Summary Offences Act 1988. NSW Bureau of Crime and Statistics Research, Attorney General's Department. Greenfield, Eric J and David J Nowak,Tree Cover And Aridity Projections To 2060(U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 1st ed, 2013) Hooper, Anthony et al,Blackstone's Criminal Practice, 2012(Oxford University Press, 1st ed, 2011) Miller, C. J,Contempt Of Court(Oxford University Press, 1st ed, 2000) ROAD TRANSPORT ACT 2013(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/rta2013187/ SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 11Ccustody Of Knife In Public Place Or School(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s11c.html SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 11Hintimidatory Use Of Vehicles And Vessels(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s11h.html SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 23Authorised Public Assemblies(2016) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s23.html SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 25Prohibition By A Court Of A Public Assembly(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s25.html SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 28Joffence Of Hunting On Private Land(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s28j.html SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 29Penalty Notices(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s29.html SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 4Aoffensive Language(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s4a.html SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 4Offensive Conduct(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s4.html SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 5Obscene Exposure(2017) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s5.html SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1988 - SECT 9Continuation Of Intoxicated And Disorderly Behaviour Following Move On Direction(2016) Austlii.edu.au https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/soa1988189/s9.html Thomas, Brett,Section 10 Of The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999(NSW Young Lawyers, 1st ed, 2011)
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